What Are Public and Private Keys?

In cryptocurrency, public and private keys are a fundamental part of the technology that ensures secure transactions and ownership of digital assets. Public and private keys make use of a cryptographic algorithm known as asymmetric encryption.


By Links4Crypto.com

Posted on 1 Aug 2023

Here's how it works:

  1. Public Key: A public key is a randomly generated alphanumeric string that is made available to the public. It is derived from the private key using a mathematical algorithm. The public key is used to generate a digital signature and encrypt messages. It can be freely shared with anyone and is the key used by others to verify your identity and encrypt messages intended for you.
  2. Private Key: A private key is a randomly generated alphanumeric string that is kept secret and known only to the owner. It is used to create a digital signature to authenticate transactions and decrypt messages encrypted with the corresponding public key. The private key should never be shared with others, as it grants exclusive control over the associated cryptocurrency funds or assets. If someone gains access to your private key, they can steal your funds.
  3. Cryptographic Functions: Public and private keys are based on complex mathematical relationships. The public key is generated from the private key using a one-way cryptographic function, meaning it is easy to derive the public key from the private key, but virtually impossible to derive the private key from the public key.
  4. Digital Signatures: When you want to send a cryptocurrency transaction, you use your private key to create a digital signature. The digital signature confirms the authenticity of the transaction and ensures that it cannot be tampered with. The recipient of the transaction can then use your public key to verify the digital signature and confirm that the transaction came from you.
  5. Address Generation: In cryptocurrency systems, public keys are often hashed to create a shorter, more manageable address. This address is what you share with others to receive funds. When someone sends you funds, they are actually sending them to your public address derived from your public key.

In summary, public and private keys are a crucial part of cryptocurrency security. The public key is made public, allowing others to verify your identity and send you encrypted messages. The private key is kept secret and is used for generating digital signatures and decrypting messages. It is important to safeguard your private key as it grants control over your cryptocurrency funds or assets.

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